I always like to try a new savoury pancake recipe every year and in the past I have made some creamy mushroom pancakes and some mozarella, veggie bacon and pineapple pancakes which, have all turned out rather deliciously and so this year I decided to try a roast vegetable pancake as I love roast vegetables and then I made the cheese, leek and veggie bacon pancakes which, I have already tried before because I love them.
I also wanted to make some proper thick american pancakes for desert which, were crisp on the outside and soft and doughy on the inside and I found a really lovely sounding recipe which, I was going to serve with maple syrup and haagen daz pralines and cream ice cream (I know, drool) but, after eating our savoury pancakes we were all full up, except Dad who later informed me with a rather bitter tone that he could have quite happily and easily fitted in some desert pancakes too. Too late now Dad! I may try and make the american pancakes soon though as everybody loves pancakes and Mum and Dad surprised me with a rather delicious and tempting tub of Peanut Butter ice cream the other day so, now I am well again I can't wait to get my paws on that and I think it will go great with some pancakes. Peanut Butter- best food ever!
Anyway, these savoury pancakes were rather yummy themselves so if you would like to give them a go I hope you enjoy them! Especially the cheese, leek and veggie bacon ones, they are gorgeous and ofcourse feel free to use normal bacon if you are not a veggie like myself. Even though it's late I hope you all had some yummy pancakes on pancake day and I also hope you enjoyed the rest of February aswell as it's pretty much past me by now.
Roast Vegetable Pancakes - makes 6 pancakes
1 Red Pepper
1 Yellow Pepper
1 Sweet Potato
1 Parsnip
4 Asparagus Spears
1 Red Onion
1 tbsp. olive oil
For the pancakes - (this makes up to 12 thin pancakes but, I like my pancakes a bit thicker and managed to just about make 6).
125g (4oz) plain flour
2 eggs
300ml (1/2 pint) milk
sunflower oil for frying
Cheese, Leek and Veggie Bacon Pancakes - makes 6 pancakes
25g Butter
25g Plain Flour
300ml Milk
Grated cheddar
4 Rashers of Bacon/Veggie Bacon
1 Large Leek
For the pancakes-
125g (4oz) plain flour
2 eggs
300ml (1/2 pint) milk
sunflower oil for frying
For the roast vegetable pancakes-
First, prepare the pancake batter by sieving the plain flour into a large bowl and making a well in the centre. Add the eggs and a little of the milk and gradually blend in the flour, beating until smooth. Add the remaining milk to make a thin, creamy batter.
Next, make the pancakes by heating a small frying pan and brushing it with a little oil. Ladle some batter into the pan and cook for about a minute until the underside is golden. Turn and cook the second side, then slide out of the pan onto a plate. Place a sheet of baking parchment over the pancake and continue to make the second pancake. Place the second pancake on top of the first and repeat, separating each pancake from one another with a piece of baking parchment.
Then peel all of the vegetables and chop them quite chunky. Place the chopped vegetables in a roasting tray and drizzle with olive oil. Roast at 200C for about 40 minutes or until the vegetables are softened and golden.
Place about 2-3 tbsps. of roast vegetables along the centre of each pancake and wrap them up. Place the filled pancakes in a baking dish and scatter them with grated cheddar and slices of tomato. Bake at 200C for about 20-25 minutes or until the cheese is melted and golden and the pancakes hot.
For the cheese, leek and veggie bacon pancakes-
First, prepare the pancake batter by sieving the plain flour into a large bowl and making a well in the centre. Add the eggs and a little of the milk and gradually blend in the flour, beating until smooth. Add the remaining milk to make a thin, creamy batter.
Next, make the pancakes by heating a small frying pan and brushing it with a little oil. Ladle some batter into the pan and cook for about a minute until the underside is golden. Turn and cook the second side, then slide out of the pan onto a plate. Place a sheet of baking parchment over the pancake and continue to make the second pancake. Place the second pancake on top of the first and repeat, separating each pancake from one another with a piece of baking parchment.
Prepare the cheese sauce by melting the butter in a small saucepan over a low heat. Add and mix in the flour, keeping over the heat for about a minute. Remove from the heat and gradually stir in the milk, a little at a time. Return to the heat, stirring constantly to avoid lumps and continue to heat until the sauce thickens and becomes smooth and glossy. Add and stir in the grated cheddar cheese.
Next, chop the leek into 1cm chunks and sweat in a saucepan with 1 tbsp. butter. Chop the veggie bacon into small pieces and fry with the leek until bronzed and the leek softened. Stir into the cheese sauce and then spoon some of the mixture along the centre of each pancake and wrap them up. Place the filled pancakes in a baking dish and scatter them with grated cheddar and slices of tomato. Bake at 200C for about 20-25 minutes or until the cheese is melted and golden.
Thankyou for reading!
Love Courts x
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