Outfit of the day:
Dress - Topshop.
Boots - Ebay.
Tights - Tesco.
Denim Jacket - New Look.
Scarf - H&M.
I'm currently in the process of feeling really sad that I have to do overtime at work tonight
:( however, as I don't actually start for around another 10 hours I feel I should probably get up, stop moping and try to have a fairly productive day in a minute. I emphasise the fairly as in all honesty I really have nothing to do today. This morning I downloaded PhotoScape which, is a free photo editor and I really like it. I feel I may have got a litte bit carried away with editing these photos as they are all a bit bright and perhaps not very clear which, I guess isn't great for an outfit post but, I really enjoyed editing them none the less and it was really nice to be able to combine my photos into one picture rather than having them dotted all over the place in my blog post.
I also ordered a tripod last week to help me take better photos but, I still feel I haven't quite got the knack yet so, I will keep practising and hopefully I can take better outfit pictures in the future. I just thought that as I woke up yesterday to the surprise of snow covering the ground, it would provide a really nice background to some pictures.
I got this dress from Topshop a couple of months ago now but, I rarely ever wear it as 1. It is quite formal and 2. I really was not actually even sure about whether I really liked it or not when it arrived. I originally wanted a plainer dress so that I could dress smartly for things such as, interviews without having to feel awkward dressed up in a suit which, I would never normally wear. This way I figured I could remain girly whilst, looking smart. However, when it arrived I was worried that it was too plain and a bit dull. I also find it a bit tight on the chest which, restricts arm movement which, isn't too handy. I find that alot of people have also been saying the same about Topshop dresses recently and I really want to buy the Topshop Oxblood Polka dot dress in the same style as this one as it's very cute and keeps popping up on ebay at the moment but, alot of people have said that it is also very tight on the chest so, I'm not sure what to do yet. Still, I popped this on yesterday to take some pictures and I actually really liked it. The fit was fine and no way near as bad as I remembered and I thought the simplicity of the dress was actually very pretty and cute. The skirt flares out a bit too like a skater skirt which makes the dress a bit more cute, fun and girly and I love the swallow and chain detailing to the collar as that was originally what drew me to the dress in the first place.
I think it goes great with the denim jacket too and my studded boots and I like the dash of colour my tartan scarf brings to the outfit too. I love this scarf but, I always find it awkward to pair with things as it seems to clash if there's any form of colour to my outfit so I think the answer to that is to dress mainly in black. When I came back inside to defrost I also just chucked my red American Apparel hoody on over the top of my dress and I actually think it worked really well and managed to make the dress look surprisingly casual so, there we go, both of my problems solved.
It was great to wake up to some snow yesterday as we never really get to see the snow down here in Cornwall. Me and my Mum walked my nephew Charlie to nursery school and you can see how much he enjoyed it. He was almost as excited as me. I also managed to take some nice snowy pictures which, was really lovely as since I got my new camera for Christmas I have only really used it to take pictures of food so, it was nice to get out and about with it. We had a lovely snowy day walk but, no sooner had we got back in the house had it started to rain and the snow was gone again. Nevermind though, I'm glad we at least got to see a bit of white on the ground for a few hours.
Thankyou for reading!
Love Courts x

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